Hello! I'm Crystal, the webmaster behind this website.
I love creating things! It's what keeps me going in life. It's probably what pumps my blood too. I mainly draw but I also write and code. Even if I don't have a pencil or a computer on hand, 90% of my brain power goes to thinking about my characters, their relationships and the horrors I've put them through their stories.
Outside of art as a whole, I also love learning languages, collecting toys (specifically magical girl henshin toys and dolls), working out, playing video games, and indulging in alt fashion.
I created this website because (to put it lightly) I'm not happy with the current state of social media. It peeves me that companies want us to churn out clean, acceptable content as we mindlessly scroll for stimulus. I want to slow down, be messy, make mistakes and learn from them. I also miss the customizability of early social media. There's something very comforting and personal about it.